
Exploring the Phenomenon of RVNL: A Success Story in the Indian Stock Market

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has emerged as a shining star in the Indian stock market, showcasing remarkable growth and delivering substantial returns to investors over the past five years. Since its IPO launch in March 2019, RVNL has experienced a phenomenal journey, becoming one of the standout multi-bagger IPOs in recent times. RVNL entered the stock market with an IPO price band of ₹17 to ₹19 per equity share in March 2019. On April 11, 2019, it made its debut on both the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) at ₹19 per share. Its listing on both exchanges at the same price contributed to its flat listing. The trajectory of RVNL's stock price since its listing reflects its extraordinary growth. From its listing price of ₹19 per share, RVNL's stock has surged significantly, recently closing at approximately ₹246 per share. This journey exemplifies the stock's exceptional value appreciation and the confidence it has garnered from investor. I...

Unveiling the Enigma of Abhijit Ganguly: A Controversial Political Figure

In the labyrinth of Indian politics, where personalities often emerge from diverse backgrounds, the enigmatic figure of Abhijit Ganguly casts a shadow of controversy and intrigue. Formerly a judge, Ganguly has attempted to navigate the tumultuous waters of politics, yet his journey has been fraught with challenges and scrutiny. Despite his assertions and confrontational demeanor, he has struggled to garner widespread recognition or acceptance among the populace. Ganguly's foray into politics was met with skepticism from the outset. While he touted his credentials as a former judge, his political acumen and understanding of grassroots issues remained questionable and his attempts to leverage his judicial background as a badge of honor fell short, as he failed to resonate with people across different level of society. One of Ganguly's notable shortcomings has been his inability to establish a strong political foothold in the public consciousness. Despite his efforts to enga...

অভিজিত গাঙ্গোপাধ্যায় এক তর্কিত সত্ত্বা কিন্তু সভ্য সামাজের নিকট অচর্চিত এক রাজনৈতিক ব্যক্তিত্ব বলেই বিবেচিত হবে।

অভিজিৎ গাঙুলি প্রাক্তন বিচারপতি হিসেবে কিছুটা এগিয়ে দাবী করলেও বাস্তবে তা নয়। মাঠে ময়দানে লড়াই করে জনপরিচিতি সেইভাবে অর্জন করতে পারেনি। কারণ তার রাজনৈতিক পরিসর নিতান্ত কম। সর্বস্তরের মানুষ তাকে চেনে না। তাছাড়া বিচারপতি থাকাকালীন তেমন কোন সুরাহ দিতে পারেনি চাকরিপ্রার্থীদের। বরং বারবার হুমকি সুলভ বক্তব্য দিয়েছে,  এবং দিয়ে চলেছে। নিজেকে বিষধর সাপ বলে বাহবা নিতেও পিছু হাটেনি। মানুষ মানুষকে চাইবে সাপকে নয় এটা বোঝা উচিত। তাছাড়া তার বক্তব্য এসেছে সে বিচারক থাকাকালীন রাজনৈতিক যোগাযোগ রেখেছিলেন।  কি ভয়ংকর কথা! বিচারের নামে প্রহসন হল না কি- তা বিবোচ্য হাওয়া উচিত।  একটা সংবাদমাধ্যম তাকে নিয়ে বেশ তর্জায় মেতেছে, আর সে সেই তর্জায় সামিলও হচ্ছে।  বহু আইনজীবী তাকে নানা বিতর্কে ও প্রশ্নবানে বিদ্ধ করছে চলেছে - যা যুক্তিসঙ্গত।  হাস্যকর মানুষটা যদি জয়ী হয় তাহলে তমলুকের মানুষ একটা জোকারকে ভারতসভায় প্রতিনিধিত্ব করতে পাঠাল, ঠিক যেমন নুসরত, মিমি ও লকেট ছিল গত নির্বাচনের পর উঠে আসা জোকার, টিকটকার, বা হিংসা বপনকারী নেত্রী।  মানুষ ভুল করে। বারবার ভুল করে। এবারও হয়ত করবে। কিন্তু অধিকার...

India and Bangladesh relationship

Causes : 1.    1.      India's foreign direct investment (FDI) in Bangladesh has declined in recent years, indicating a shift in its economic priorities. According to official data, Indian FDI in Bangladesh decreased by 29% in the last fiscal year alone. 2.        2.  The political tensions and trade disputes between the two countries have strained bilateral relations, leading to a reevaluation of India's engagement strategies. Data from trade statistics show a decrease in bilateral trade volume and an increase in trade barriers over the past few years. 3.       3.   India's focus on enhancing ties with other South Asian nations like Nepal and Sri Lanka has diverted attention and resources away from Bangladesh. Effects : The departure of India from Bangladesh is expected to have multifaceted effects on both countries, as supported by data trends and Bangladesh may witness a short-term slowdown in cer...

Baul Songs: A Journey into the Heart of Bengali Folk Song

Bengal is a land known for its rich cultural tapestry and vibrant traditions, boasts a musical heritage that is as diverse as it is captivating. Among the myriad forms of folk music that have enshrined in such region, Baul songs stand out as a unique and deeply resonant expression of the Bengali spirit. Rooted in the soil of Bengal and nurtured by centuries of tradition, Baul music carries within it the essence of the land, the people, and their collective consciousness. The origins of Baul music trace back to the mystic traditions of Bengal, where wandering minstrels known as Bauls roamed the countryside, singing songs of love, longing, and especially based on spiritual quest. Drawing inspiration from various  sources such as Buddhism, Radha-Krishnaism, Vaishnavism, and Sufism, Baul music emerged as a synthesis of various spiritual and philosophical streams. Some Scholars speculate about the historical roots of Baul music, with some tracing its origins to the 17th century and...


বিষন্ন দুটো চোখে, এখনও তাকাও, আমার দিকে, আমি কি এখনও সেই, সেই দূরবর্তী কেউ, প্রচীন খনিজ কিছু, বা মহাকালের শান্ত পলি,  বা, আমাকে কি আজও ভাবো, প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক এক অনার্য রাক্ষস, কি ক্ষতি করেছি, কালো চামড়ার আমি, তাই, অন্ধকার সিক্ত হয়েছি  বিষাক্ত অতীতের তকমা লাগানো দেহ নিয়ে এসে বলছি...  শত কাম, ক্রোধ, বিসর্জন না দিয়েও বড় সাধ লাগে, হে আর্য নারী, মুখোমুখি বসবার। বড় সাধ লাগে হিসেবের খাতা দেখবার।  ©Sani

Navigating Poverty: Understanding, Impact, and Action

Poverty is now a pressing global issue affecting millions of individuals and families around the world.Understanding the complexities of poverty, its causes, effects, and potential solutions is crucial for addressing this multifaceted problem.   Poverty is a state of deprivation, where individuals lack the resources necessary to meet their basic needs for survival and well-being and such needs include access to food, shelter, clean water, healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. Poverty can manifest in various forms, ranging from absolute poverty, where people struggle to meet basic survival needs, to relative poverty, which compares individuals' income levels within a specific society or context.   Poverty is measured using different indicators and methodologies, depending on the country and context. Common measures include income-based approaches, where individuals or families are considered poor if their income falls below a certain threshold. Other measures con...