
India and Bangladesh relationship

Causes : 1.    1.      India's foreign direct investment (FDI) in Bangladesh has declined in recent years, indicating a shift in its economic priorities. According to official data, Indian FDI in Bangladesh decreased by 29% in the last fiscal year alone. 2.        2.  The political tensions and trade disputes between the two countries have strained bilateral relations, leading to a reevaluation of India's engagement strategies. Data from trade statistics show a decrease in bilateral trade volume and an increase in trade barriers over the past few years. 3.       3.   India's focus on enhancing ties with other South Asian nations like Nepal and Sri Lanka has diverted attention and resources away from Bangladesh. Effects : The departure of India from Bangladesh is expected to have multifaceted effects on both countries, as supported by data trends and Bangladesh may witness a short-term slowdown in cer...

Baul Songs: A Journey into the Heart of Bengali Folk Song

Bengal is a land known for its rich cultural tapestry and vibrant traditions, boasts a musical heritage that is as diverse as it is captivating. Among the myriad forms of folk music that have enshrined in such region, Baul songs stand out as a unique and deeply resonant expression of the Bengali spirit. Rooted in the soil of Bengal and nurtured by centuries of tradition, Baul music carries within it the essence of the land, the people, and their collective consciousness. The origins of Baul music trace back to the mystic traditions of Bengal, where wandering minstrels known as Bauls roamed the countryside, singing songs of love, longing, and especially based on spiritual quest. Drawing inspiration from various  sources such as Buddhism, Radha-Krishnaism, Vaishnavism, and Sufism, Baul music emerged as a synthesis of various spiritual and philosophical streams. Some Scholars speculate about the historical roots of Baul music, with some tracing its origins to the 17th century and...


বিষন্ন দুটো চোখে, এখনও তাকাও, আমার দিকে, আমি কি এখনও সেই, সেই দূরবর্তী কেউ, প্রচীন খনিজ কিছু, বা মহাকালের শান্ত পলি,  বা, আমাকে কি আজও ভাবো, প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক এক অনার্য রাক্ষস, কি ক্ষতি করেছি, কালো চামড়ার আমি, তাই, অন্ধকার সিক্ত হয়েছি  বিষাক্ত অতীতের তকমা লাগানো দেহ নিয়ে এসে বলছি...  শত কাম, ক্রোধ, বিসর্জন না দিয়েও বড় সাধ লাগে, হে আর্য নারী, মুখোমুখি বসবার। বড় সাধ লাগে হিসেবের খাতা দেখবার।  ©Sani

Navigating Poverty: Understanding, Impact, and Action

Poverty is now a pressing global issue affecting millions of individuals and families around the world.Understanding the complexities of poverty, its causes, effects, and potential solutions is crucial for addressing this multifaceted problem.   Poverty is a state of deprivation, where individuals lack the resources necessary to meet their basic needs for survival and well-being and such needs include access to food, shelter, clean water, healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. Poverty can manifest in various forms, ranging from absolute poverty, where people struggle to meet basic survival needs, to relative poverty, which compares individuals' income levels within a specific society or context.   Poverty is measured using different indicators and methodologies, depending on the country and context. Common measures include income-based approaches, where individuals or families are considered poor if their income falls below a certain threshold. Other measures con...

Global Hotspots: Tensions Brewing in Key Regions.

In various corners of the world, geopolitical tensions are simmering and raising concerns about the possibility of conflicts that could have far-reaching consequences. Let's delve deeper into these hotspots, backed by data and analysis: A. Korean Peninsula : The Korean Peninsula remains one of the most volatile regions globally, with the ongoing divide between North and South Korea. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), North Korea possesses an estimated 30 to 40 nuclear warheads as of early 2024, with a steady increase in missile testing activities, and on the other hand the South Korean military, with significant support from the United States, maintains a robust defense posture. However, the unpredictable nature of North Korea's leadership and its growing arsenal pose a constant threat to regional stability.  B.  Middle East : The Middle East continues to be marred by conflicts, with the Israel-Palestine conflict at the forefront. ...

Nothing remain to see

Perhaps nothing remains to see, In the ceaseless rain's symphony, Quiet streets, a path unseen, All vanished, as if in a dream. Where are you, clouds on high? Where's the bustle's joyful cry? Which way leads to my abode? Lost in thoughts, an enigma showed. I sense your plan, cloud's uproar, Hidden path through the downpour, You ponder gains, economic lore, My path entwined, forevermore. A puzzle deep within my mind, Long-hidden plans of a different kind, Now I understand your scheme so sly, In whispered truths, secrets lie. Sani

Bandpur - Unveiling the Tapestry of Unity, Diversity, and Progress.

Bandpur - Unveiling the Tapestry of Unity, Diversity, and Progress. By Sani Hossain   Nestled in the heart of West Bengal's Hugli district, the village of Bandpur stands as a microcosm of India's cultural diversity and socio-economic dynamics. With its pin code 712701, Bandpur is a unique blend of traditions, lifestyles, and aspirations that together create a vibrant tapestry of rural life. Bandpur's geographical location adds to its allure. The village is characterized by lush green landscapes, tranquil water bodies, and a rich agricultural heritage. Steeped in history, Bandpur's roots date back generations, each leaving an indelible mark on the village's character. Bandpur is home to an eclectic mix of cultures, primarily Muslim and Hindu communities. The Syed and Bokshu families, including names like Noor Ali, Fayeg Beg, Sabik Sahib, Nazet Nezamotulla, Shah Tawha Sahib, and Bilayet Uddin, represent these two facets, showcasing the beauty of coexistence and mutual...